
Family pension is a vital financial support system designed to ensure that dependents of deceased military personnel receive adequate financial security. Understanding the various types of family pensions, eligibility criteria, and required documentation is crucial for beneficiaries to navigate this essential benefit effectively. This article breaks down the nuances of family pensions, from enhanced to liberalized options, providing clear guidance for eligible heirs.

(a)      Enhanced Family Pension.

(b)     Ordinary Family Pension.

(c)      Special Family Pension.

(d)      Liberalized Family Pension.

(e)     2nd Life award of SFP to dependents.

(f) 2nd Life award of LFP to dependents.

Ser NoHeirPeriod
(a)WidowFor life
(b)SonTill 25 years of age or up to the date of earning exceeds Rs 9000/- pm or date of marriage whichever is earlier.
(c)Widowed/divorced and unmarried DaughterUp to the date of earning exceeds Rs 9000/- pm or marriage/re-marriage whichever is earlier otherwise for life.
(d)Mentally/Physically challenged Son/ DaughterUp to the date of marriage or earning exceeds Rs 9000/- pm otherwise for life.
(e)Parents(Mother & Father)For life to parents whose income from all other sources is less than Rs 9000/- pm.

The fwg docu are reqd for grant of FP to the handicapped child :-

(a)      Appointing authority certificate by IHQ of MoD (Army)/ Record Office.

(b)      FP application MPB-501 & MPC-60 original counter signed by IHQ of MoD (Army)/ Record Office.

(c)      Income, unmarried and unemployed certificate from the revenue department of the dist concerned.

(d)      An affidavit sworn before 1st class Magistrate stating that indl is unmarried and unemployed.

(e)      NOK certificate from IHQ of MoD (Army)/Record Office.

(f)       Appointment of legal guardianship by parent/ court.

(g)      Aadhar Card, PAN No, E-mail ID & Mobile No of family pensioner.

(h)      Disability Certificate in which a specialist doctor must have signed

(j)       Photographs single and joint for guardianship.

(k)      Single bank account (UGA account with mentally handicapped).

(l)       ID Proof.

(m)     Death certificate of officer/ JCOs/OR, if any.

(n)      No objection certificate for delay submission, if delay.

(o)      Explanation certificate for delay submission, if delay.

(p)      LTA certificate from last PDA (Pension Disbursing Authority).

The fwg docu are reqd for grant of military family pension in addn to civil family pension :-

(a)      Reemployment certificate as on the Format as per Appx C Part I to IV duly completed in all respects by the claimant.

(b)      Reemployment authority etc as to ascertain the pension scheme under which the civil family pension has been/will be granted.

The fwg docu are reqd for grant of FP to unmarried daughter in case of above 25 years of age

(a)      FP application MPB-501 & MPC-60 original counter signed by IHQ of MoD (Army)/ Record Office.

(b)      Income and unmarried and unemployed certificate from the department of the dist concerned.

(c)      An affidavit sworn before 1st class Magistrate stating that the individual is unmarried & unemployed.

(d)      NOK certificate with family details from IHQ of MoD(Army)/ Record Office.

(e)      Explanation certificate for delay submission.

(f)       Aadhar Card, PAN No, E-mail ID & Mobile No of family pensioner.

(g)      Photographs single and joint duly attested.      

(h)      Single bank account.

(j)       ID Proof.

(k)      Death certificate of pensioner, if any.

(l)       A CTC of dependent card for CSD, ECHS card of other dependent card issued by competent auth.

(m)     No objection certificate from other children.

(n)      Explanation certificate for delay submission, if delay.

(o)      LTA certificate from last PDA.


The following documents are required for grant of military family pension in place of civil family pension:-

(a)      Details of all the payment made to the claimant on the behalf of civil  family pension.

(b)      Option for military family pension instead of civil family pension.

(c)      Appendix Part – I to VI as prescribed in the GOI, MoD letter No 10(6)/92/D (P/S) dt 29 Sep 1992.

Note:  Option for Military Family-Pension will be entertained only in those cases where Military family pension is more beneficial than civil family pension. It is therefore impressed upon to RO as to ascertain before forwarding this type of claim that Military Family Pension is more beneficial than civil Family Pension. The option must be exercised within two years from the date of death of the Armed Forces Pensioners. In this case military Family Pension is admissible only from the date of stoppage of civil Family Pension.

Prior issue of GoI, letter No 2/CL/B/D(Pen/Sers)/2001 dt 28 Aug 2001 family pension was not admissible from mil side to the family of the deceased pers who were re-emp under EPS Scheme in addn to civ Family-Pension. Now with the issue of Min of Pers, Public Grievances and Pension, Deptt of FP OM No 1/19/96-P and PW(c) dt 27 Jul 2001 families of Govt Servant who were in receipt of Family Pension under EFP Scheme 1971 and EPS 1995 shall be eligible for Family Pension from Army side also in addn.  However, the concept of dual pension is applicable to Family-Pension wef 24 Sep 2012.

Legally separated wives are those who have been living away from their husband for a period or more than one year, however the couple is not legally divorced. Payment of family-pension is allowed to the legally separated wife of the Armed Forces personnel after his/her children cease to be eligible for family pension till her death or re-marriage, whichever is earlier. This pension is however not allowed if the separation was on grounds of adultery by wife.

Note :

1.       This pension in respect of the deceased is payable to the surviving person, provided he/she is the guardian of his child or children.

2.       The surviving spouse is allowed to receive family-pension after the child/children become ineligible.

Auth Deptt of Pensioners Welfare OM No 1/6/98-P&PW(E) dt 05/07/1999 & Min of Def No 1(4)/99/D(Pen/Sers) dated 05 Sep 2000.

Son/Daughter of Armed Forces personnel born after discharge/retirement are eligible for grant of family-pension.

Auth :  Deptt of Pensioners Welfare OM No 1/6/98-P&PW(E) dt 05/07/1999 & Min of Def No 1(4)/99/D(Pen/Sers) dated 05 Sep 2000.

As per Hindu Marriage Act 1995, second wife is not eligible for grant of family pension. However to protect the right of children born out of such null and void marriages, family-pension is admissible to such children. These children have no claim till such time as the legally wedded wife is the recipient of the same.

Auth :  Para 16 of Army Instruction 51/80


Where an offr died as a bachelor or as a widower w/o children u/m circumstances, the dependent pension(liberalized) shall be admissible to parents w/o ref to their pecuniary circumstances at the rate of 75% of  LFP for single parent. On the death of one parent, dependent pension at the later rate shall be admissible to the surviving parent. In the absence of parents, dependent pension shall be admissible to dependent brother(s)/sister(s), if otherwise eligible, at  the rate of 60% of LFP :-

(a)     Death or disability due to acts of violence/attack by terrorist, anti-social elements whether on duty or even when not on duty. Bomb blasts in public places or transport, indiscriminate shooting incidents in public, etc would be covered under this category, besides death/disability occurring while employed in aid in civil power in dealing with natural calamities.

(b)   Death or disability in enemy action in international war, action during peace keeping mission abroad, border skirmishes. During laying/ clearance of mines including enemy mines as also minesweeping operations. An act of violence/ attack by extremists and antisocial elements etc while on operational duty. Action against extremists, antisocial, element etc. Death/disability while employed in the aid of civil power in quelling agitation, riots or revolt by demonstrators will be covered under this category, operations specially notified by Government from time to time. On account of accidental explosions of mines, War like situations, including cases which are attributable to/ aggravated by :-

          “ Extremist acts, exploding mines etc while on way to operational area, Battle inoculation training exercises or demonstration with live ammunition, Kidnapping by extremist while on operational duty.”

Note : Condition of age and marriage shall equally apply to dependent brother/sister for grant of dependent pension which shall be paid to the senior most eligible brother/sister at a time.

Navigating the intricacies of family pension can be challenging, but it’s crucial for ensuring financial stability for the dependents of deceased military personnel. By understanding the different types of pensions, eligibility requirements, and necessary documentation, beneficiaries can secure the support they need. This guide aims to demystify the process, making it accessible and straightforward for all eligible heirs.

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