Is a primary healthcare center that provides medical services to ex-servicemen and their dependents under the Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme. There are 427 polyclinics (excluding 6 polyclinics in Nepal) in 30 regional Centre sanctioned by the Government You can find the list of ECHS polyclinics with their address and contact numbers on this link: ECHS Polyclinics List.

If you are an ECHS beneficiary, you can change your parent polyclinic to another one every three months. There is a provision of shifting dependency from parent Polyclinic to another  You can do this online by using the Source Infosys application. This article will guide you on how to use this application and what are the benefits of changing your polyclinic.

Note: This facility is only available to beneficiaries with the New 64 Kb Smart Card. The process can be performed once every Three months. Please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Login to ECHS Website

Open your web browser and go to the ECHS website:

Log in using your credentials.

Step 2: Select Beneficiary and Desired Polyclinic

After logging in, select the beneficiary for whom you want to change the parent polyclinic.

From the options provided, choose the new polyclinic from the dropdown menu.

Submit the change request.

Step 3: Action by OIC (Old Parent) Polyclinic

The OIC (Old Parent) Polyclinic will select “Request for change of parent polyclinic” from the main menu.

Under this, choose “Request for transfer out.”

Review the details of the ESM/primary beneficiary’s application for the Polyclinic change.

Once approved, the application will be transferred in real-time to the OIC (New Parent) Polyclinic.

Step 4: Action by OIC (New Parent) Polyclinic

The OIC (New Parent) Polyclinic will select “Request for change of parent Polyclinic” from the main menu.

Choose “Request for Transfer in” from the submenu.

Approve the specific beneficiary for whom the change is requested.

Upon approval, the change will take effect in real-time, and the information will be updated.

Step 5: Update Details at the New Parent Polyclinic

When you visit the new parent Polyclinic, insert your card into the Kiosk/ iCAT to get your details updated


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