The Ex-Servicemen (ESM) of India have served the nation with honour and pride. They need respect and recognition for their service. They also need help and support for their problems and needs after their service. The government of India has set up a three-tier welfare system for them and their families. It has the Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB) at the national level, the Rajya Sainik Boards (RSBs) at the state/UT level, and the Zila Sainik Boards (ZSBs) at the district level. This article will talk about the Department of Sainik Welfare / RSB, which is the state-level welfare agency for the ESM and their families.


The Department of Sainik Welfare / RSB is the state-level agency that helps the ESM and their families in the state/UT. The Secretary, who is the Director of the RSB, leads the department. The Secretary is a retired officer of the rank of Brigadier or equivalent. The State Government/UT appoints the Secretary and gives money to the department. The department also gets money from the KSB and the MoD. The department controls and guides the ZSWOs / ZSBs in the state, which are the district-level agencies for the ESM and their families. The KSB, which is the national-level agency for the ESM and their families, and is led by the Hon’ble Raksha Mantri, also guides and directs the department.


The Rajya Sainik Board (RSB) is composed of the following members:

President: Governor / Chief Minister

Vice President/Vice Chairman: Secretary, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare (ESW), Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Chief Secretary of the State/Union Territory

Members: State Ministers, GOC-in-C Command, FOC-in-C Command, AOC-in-C Command, Heads of Departments, Local Formation Commanders, and Director, Resettlement Zone

Non-official Members: Four Ex-Servicemen and Two prominent citizens

Secretary: Secretary, Rajya Sainik Board


The Department of Sainik Welfare / RSB performs various functions and services for the ESM and their families, such as:

Control and Coordination: The department watches and guides the work of Zila Sainik Welfare Officers (ZSWOs) / ZSBs in the state, making sure they work well. The department also talks and works with the KSB and the MoD for the help of ESM and their families.

Liaison and Employment Opportunities: The department talks with state ministries, state-owned enterprises, banks, etc., to get jobs for ESM and widows. The department makes sure that ESMs or widows get these jobs according to state reservation policies. The department checks and asks for changes in state reservation policies to match with the central government’s policies. The department also makes sure that ESMs are on the 100-point roster and join the Subordinate Selection Board.

Welfare Measures: The department supports measures for the help and resettlement of ESM and families of serving/dead Armed Forces personnel. The department helps ESMs and their families in getting the various help schemes and benefits offered by the government and other agencies, such as Money, Scholarships, Loans, Grants, etc. The department also does more help measures for ESM and widows and tells them through the media.

Information Dissemination: The department tells information about the Armed Forces to the general public. The department does things to increase interest in the Armed Forces among the general public, such as Holding Rallies, Camps, Events, etc.

Administration of ZSWOs and ZSBs: The department runs ZSWOs / ZSBs in the state according to rules and instructions from central and state governments. The department makes sure that ZSWOs and their staff are appointed on time. The department also checks ZSWOs / ZSBs every year and sends reports to the Chief Secretary and the KSB.

Duties Assigned by KSB: The department does any duty given by the Secretary, KSB, such as holding zonal meetings, sending reports and returns, etc.

Financial Management: The department sends papers to KSB to claim 50 per cent of the money for the setting up and running costs of the Department of Sainik Welfare / RSB and ZSWO / ZSBs of the state. The department also keeps the Amalgamated Special Fund and makes help schemes from these funds.

Data Management: The department keeps up-to-date numbers of ESM, disabled ESM, widows, and dependents/families of serving Defence personnel. The department also keeps a database of ESM and widows looking for jobs or self-employment opportunities.

Employment and Self-Employment Assistance: The department looks for and watches job opportunities for ESM and widows in the private sector. The department also helps ESM and widows in planning and funding self-employment projects, such as small-scale industries, agriculture, etc.

Flag Day Fund Committee: The department organizes Armed Forces Flag Day Fund committee meetings to increase collection drives. The department also makes sure that the Flag Day Fund is used properly for the help of ESMs and their families. Armed Forces Flag Day Fund: A Fund for the Welfare And Rehabilitation Of Veterans

Rallies and Adalats: The department holds Ex-Servicemen rallies and pension Adalats to tell concessions and solve problems of ESM and their families. The department also invites senior officers and dignitaries to talk with ESM and their families at these rallies and Adalats.

Training and Inspection: The department reports to DGR/Secretary KSB on Ex-Servicemen training and suggests changes in courses. The department also checks ZSBs every year and sends reports to DCs, the Chief Secretary, and KSB.

Employment Criteria: The department ensures that only ESM are employed in the RSBs / ZSBs to qualify for the 50% Central share towards pay and allowances. The department also obtains prior approval from KSB / MoD for any civilian employment in the RSBs / ZSBs.

Communication: The department establishes e-mail connectivity with ZSBs / RSBs and KSBs. The department also uses other modes of communication, such as phone, fax, etc., to ensure timely and effective communication.

List of Rajya Sainik Boards and Zila Sainik Boards


The Department of Sainik Welfare / RSB helps the ESM and their families in the state/UT. The department does many things for them, such as giving guidance, money, jobs, information, etc. The department also works with the ZSWOs / ZSBs in the districts, which are also welfare agencies for the ESM and their families. The department gets money and direction from the state government, the KSB and the MoD. The KSB is the national-level agency for the ESM and their families and is led by the Hon’ble Raksha Mantri. The Department of Sainik Welfare / RSB is a way of honouring the ESM and their families, who have served the nation with courage and loyalty.

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