India’s ex-servicemen have dedicated their lives to the nation’s security and sovereignty. Recognizing their sacrifices, the Government of India has initiated a commendable step to ensure their welfare post-retirement. The Directorate General Resettlement (DGR) has introduced a self-employment scheme that earmarks Regular LPG Distributorships for Defence Personnel under the ‘GP’ category. This initiative not only honours the valiant service of our soldiers but also provides them with a dignified means of livelihood.
Salient Features of the Scheme: The scheme is a beacon of hope for ex-servicemen (ESM), war widows, and their dependents, offering them a chance for a second inning with the allotment of Regular LPG Distributorship. The ‘GP’ category includes not only Defence Personnel but also Central and State Government employees and PSU workers. It’s a gesture that acknowledges their contribution to the nation and assists them in transitioning to civilian life.
Eligibility Criteria: The eligibility criteria are thoughtfully designed to encompass those who have suffered the most and need support. This includes:
- War widows and dependents of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
- Those disabled in war or while on duty.
- Widows and dependents of personnel who passed away due to service-attributable causes.
- Personnel disabled in peacetime due to service-attributable causes.
Procedure to LPG Distributorship Empowerment for Ex-Servicemen
- Watch for Advertisements: Keep an eye out for distributorship opportunities advertised by Oil Companies for the Combined Category.
- Secure an Eligibility Certificate: Approach the Directorate General Resettlement (DGR) with the necessary documents to obtain your Eligibility Certificate.
- Submit Your Application: Once you have the certificate, apply to the Oil Company advertising the opportunity.
- Prepare for the Selection Process: The process includes short-listing, interviews, and the issuance of a Letter of Intent.
- Participate in the Draw of Lots: If short-listed, you’ll be part of a draw of lots to determine the final selection of applicants.
Click here to download Brochure On Unified Guidelines for Selection Of LPG Distributorship
Click here to download DGR guidelines for allotment of eligibility certificate for LPG Distributorship
Click here to download Application form for allotment of DGR eligibility certificate for LPG Distributorship

Required Documentation for the Eligibility Certificate:
For Ex-Servicemen:
- Initial Pension Payment Order (PPO) and any corrigendum, if applicable.
- Discharge book or retirement orders.
- ESM identity card.
- Notarized affidavit as per the format provided.
- Passport-sized photograph.
- Newspaper cutting of the advertisement with location and deadline details.
- Disability certificate, if applicable, due to military service.
- Educational certificates, proving at least graduation level education.
For Widows and Dependents:
- Death certificate and proof of death being attributable to military service.
- Initial PPO and any corrigendum, if applicable, for the widow.
- Widow/Dependent identity card.
- Proof of date of birth.
- Educational certificates of the applicant.
- Notary affidavit and waiver deed as per the format provided.
- Passport-sized photograph.
- Newspaper cutting of the advertisement with location and deadline details.
Remember, all documents must be duly attested by the Zila Sainik Board, Rajya Sainik Board, or a Notary.

The DGR’s LPG Distributorship scheme is more than just a business opportunity; it’s a tribute to the heroes of our nation. It provides a sustainable and respectful self-employment avenue for those who have served India with honour. For detailed information and application formats, applicants are encouraged to visit the official websites of Bharat Petroleum, Hindustan Petroleum, and Indian Oil Corporation, as well as the DGR’s portal at DGR India. The links are as follows:
Bharat Petroleum https://www.bharatpetroleum.in/
Hindustan Petroleum https://www.hindustanpetroleum.com/
Indian Oil Corporation https://iocl.com/
DGR India https://dgrindia.gov.in/Content2/schemes/retail-outlet-dealership
This initiative (LPG Distributorship) stands as a testament to the nation’s gratitude towards its soldiers, ensuring that their post-service life is secure and prosperous. As we benefit from their service in uniform, let’s also support their endeavours in the civilian sector.
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