ECHS Polyclinic Is a primary healthcare center that provides medical services to Ex-Servicemen and their dependents under the Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme. There are 427 polyclinics (excluding 6 polyclinics in Nepal) in 30 regional Centre sanctioned by the Government You can find the list of ECHS polyclinics with their address and contact numbers on this link: ECHS Polyclinics List.

If you are an ECHS beneficiary, you can change your parent ECHS polyclinic to another one every three months. There is a provision of shifting dependency from one parent Polyclinic to another  You can do this online by using the Source Infosys application and with the ECHS Beneficiary App. This article will guide you on how to use this application and what are the benefits of changing your polyclinic.

Changing your parent ECHS polyclinic online has become a much simpler process as of June 2024. You can now do it automatically without needing manual approval from the OIC (Officer In Charge). Follow the steps below to change your parent polyclinic using the ECHS website.

Step 1: Login to the ECHS Website

Step 2: Navigate to Change Polyclinic Option

Step 3: Select Beneficiary and New Polyclinic

Step 4: Submit the Change Request

Step 5: Update Details at the New Parent Polyclinic

By following these steps, you can easily change your parent polyclinic online and keep your ECHS account up to date


Changing your ECHS polyclinic using the ECHS Beneficiary App is a quick and easy process. Follow the steps below to ensure a smooth transition to your new polyclinic.

Step 1: Register with the ECHS Beneficiary App

If you haven’t already registered, you’ll need to do so before proceeding. Click here to read how to register. After registering, continue to the next step.

Step 2: Log In to the ECHS Beneficiary App

Step 3: Select “Request Polyclinic Change”

Step 4: Choose New Regional Centre and Polyclinic

Step 5: Provide Reason and Submit

Step 6: Automatic Approval

By following these steps, your ECHS Polyclinic will be changed seamlessly using the ECHS Beneficiary App.

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